Melissa Smith 2023

Melissa Smith

Head of EAL


BSC (Hons) Psychology with Criminatory
MSc Positive Psychology
Graduate Teacher Programme with QTS
Qualified SENDCO

16 years' experience

I am a calm and organised primary teacher who has taught in reputable schools in London. I have been in Qatar for 6 years. I have taught in EYFS, and Key Stages 1 and 2. My previous positions of responsibility include Key Stage 1 Lead, Data Manager, Numicon Lead and Whole School EAL Lead. I enjoy working in leadership as I can positively affect more students and contribute to the wider success of the school. I am committed to having high expectations of our students and I am excited to work collaboratively with parents too. I use my specialism in developing a growth mindset to support our students who are learning English as an additional language to achieve their full potential.